Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 5 EOC: Super Bowl Commercial, Good & Bad

The Super Bowl commercials have been one of the most popular portions of the event for a long time now. Many viewers tune in to watch the hilarious commercials as much as the game itself. This year’s Super Bowl commercial were somewhat of a letdown. There weren’t many commercials that stuck out and really made everyone laugh. There is one commercial that really stood out to me as the worst of the bunch. I think the new snickers commercial was to similar to last years. Last year it was new and original, and this year it was predictable. In the very beginning of the commercial it was very easy to see that it was going to be just another version of last year’s Betty White commercial. I’m at a loss for words when trying to think of words to describe the disappointment. I doubt that many people found anything to laugh about.

There are actually two other commercials that I found so comical that I have to talk about them. The Volkswagen commercial featuring a child playing Darth Vader from Star Wars has to be my number top choice. The commercial shows a child walking around trying to move objects using the “force”. At the end of the commercial the child’s father uses the wireless start to turn the car on when the child is standing in front of the car. I am a long time Star Wars fan, so it is easy to see why I loved it so much.

The other commercial that I absolutely loved was the one where it depicts wealthy men escaping from old luxury into a new Audi. The line that had me laughing all day is when the security guard ordered another guard to release the hounds. There were funny moments, but overall it was a disappointment.

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